Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The obligatory name-change post

First, let me say that I am so happy that I live in a time where it is no longer a 100% given that a wife takes her husband's name. It's still a hot topic of conversation, but so far I haven't gotten any weird looks over my decision.

And what's that decision?

I'm keeping my last name. Billy's keeping his last name.

Yep, we're radicals.

We'd discussed several other possibilities for name changes. My one qualification was that we either both changed our names, or neither of us did (meaning I wasn't going to become Angela Myname-Hisname while he remained Billy Hisname).

The options we discussed were hyphenating, smushing our names together (probably my favorite), or picking out a new name all together (we were really close to becoming the Blaizers for awhile. Because it sounds bad ass. And when you're choosing your own name, why not go the badass route?).

But ultimately, we currently both want to keep our own names. Billy because he has that stereotypical American male attitude about the man passing along his family name, and myself because I would like to present to the world that not all people with my last name (see: my dad's side of the family) are complete imbeciles.

We're going to be re-examining our position in a couple of years when we have kids. Even if we both keep our own names, the kid(s?) has to have one, whether that's Myname, Hisname, Myname-Hisname or Blaizer. But for right now, I think we'll both be happiest keeping our own names.

This isn't a sign of our lack of commitment. This isn't the end of civilization. It's our personal decision that works for us, like so many wedding decisions are.

So what about your life WON'T be changing after the wedding?

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