Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fantasy Registry

Some people have fantasy sports teams...I have a fantasy registry.

Billy and I are at an awkward time in our lives, when it comes to an accumulation of "stuff." We moved in together two years ago, and have acquired plenty of necessities. We have a bunch of towels, we have basic (if second hand) cookware, and my mom went kind of crazy buying me dishes. I've lost count of how many sets of Corelle Classic Cafe Black dishes I have.


She bought my first set when we moved in together, and then someone at the Corelle outlet told her they had discontinued the pattern, so she went on a binge on eBay and Amazon.Com and bought me, like, three more sets. Plus a couple of sets of additional plates and bowls. So dishware is one thing we DEFINITELY don't need to register for.

So I've been contemplating what I would register for if I could register for anything in the whole wide world. And while I know there are plenty of non-traditional registries out there (for example, the honeymoon registry which we're most likely doing), most of the things I want are just a little too ridiculous to actually expect someone to buy for us.

So, here are a few items off of my fantasy registry:

I didn't save where I got this from...if you know, I'll correct it!
Billy and I are both huge nerds, and proud of it. And "Crafty" is a pun on my last name.


By virtue of being huge nerds, Billy and I are huge fans of Battlestar Galactica. We're also both a little political, often with very different viewpoints on some issues (there were some very fierce debates in our apartment over Clinton vs Obama). While both of these shirts would be outdated by the time we got married, they'd sure be fun to wear on election day!

And a fantasy registry item that has made it on to the real registry...

Yep, I'm one of those brides who's hoping to work on her wedding body via video games. Unfortunately, this darn thing is still impossible to find. Maybe some generous wedding guest will have more patience (and luck!) than Billy and I have.

If you could register for anything, what would it be? Is anything on your registry going to raise eyebrows among some of your guests?

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