Thursday, July 24, 2008

The colors, Duke! The colors!

I'm colorblind kid

But if your guests aren't colorblind dogs who don't appreciate popsicles, what colors should the wedding be?

This is something I began thinking about right away. I was thinking about colors before I was thinking about dresses.

My very, very first idea, which was quickly thrown out, was black and white, with either red or pink as an accent color.


It's an absolutely chic color palette. Having a black-tinged wedding has actually been one of the few "wedding" thoughts I've had growing up. of my friends got to it first. Last summer, when two friends of Billy and I got married (and we were in the wedding), their colors were black and white and red. It was elegant and great and memorable. There was no way I was going to ride on their coattails a year and a half later. (Not to mention such a stark palette just wouldn't work with the jewel toned decorations of our hotel)

So next I began thinking of other colors I/we like. I'm a huge fan of red...and the Oscars are gold...what about a red and gold palette?


Except I'm not a fan of gold. And it seemed just a little too themed for my taste. I want to incorporate our love of film into the big day, but I also don't want it to come across as reliving senior prom, either.

Other colors we both like: blue and purple! But I quickly found that I absolutely COULD NOT find images of the two together. In my head it was fabulous, but I could never quite find anything that matched the two shades (rich and deep) I had in mind.

How did you choose your color palette? Why did you choose/reject a given combination?

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