Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unexpected kindness

I'm taking a quick breather from madcap packing (as soon as I'm finished with this post the computer needs to be turned off and packed up!) to do a quick write up about a small but meaningful act of wedding-related kindness.

So last night Billy and I went out to one of the local bars for our going away party. It took a little while for people to start showing up, but once they did we had a great evening with some of our best friends from school. It really made me realize how much I'm going to miss all of them!

Then completely out of the blue, our friend Marisa (who I've been meaning to ask to be one of our ushers, but our schedules have been so busy I haven't been able to see her to ask!) mentions that she wanted to know when I was going to come back to Michigan so she could throw a bachelorette party for me so I could have one with my school friends! I almost started to cry, it was so sweet. She had no way of knowing I was going to ask her to be in the wedding, and yet she wanted to go out of her way to make sure I had a great party with my school friends. Of course, I asked her right there at the bar to be one of our ushers.

It was a sweet night all around :-)

Where have you found unexpected kindness in wedding planning?

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