It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted and there's two reasons for that 1) nothing major regarding the wedding has happened 2) I'm lazy.
Nothing major has been happening because I've been ridiculously unemployed all summer, which meant that money that I had been saving for wedding expenses had to instead be put toward living expenses like food, gas and metro passes (now that I'm in New York!). However, this week I got a job, so I can start spending money again! It's not a fabulous job, it doesn't use my degree at all, it's part time retail work, something I once vowed I would never get into again. But circumstances change, and I'm not too proud to admit when I need to do something, anything, in order to make money.
So the only wedding planning things I've done have been things that don't require any money. Like doing a first draft of part of our invitations! They're going out in about a month and a half, so I really have to get on the ball with these.
Here's the first one I've made. Any thoughts?

Like our whole wedding, I'm trying to create a blend of classic, traditional wedding elements and our own unique quirkiness. So I've attempted to blend a very traditional, formal wedding aesthetic with a different color choice (and non-barf-worthy language. The language etiquette around weddings is one of the most aggravating areas for a progressive bride to navigate, in my opinion), and then add an extra dash of quirkiness with the paraphrased movie quote at the top. The current plan is to have a movie quote associated with each of our inserts. Here's what we've thought of so far:
Directions card: Where we're going, we don't need roads (Back to the Future, one of Billy's favorite movies)
RSVP and/or rehearsal dinner/party card: Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho! (Pirates of the Caribbean, as if an explanation is needed!)
Other RSVP option: I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog, too! (The Wizard of Oz)
Billy also suggested making our RSVP options movie quotations, but we've only come up with a quotation for those declining the invitation: "I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. It means 'no'" (Also from Pirates, and we're debating whether we should keep the somewhat-snarky sounding "It means 'no'"). Anyone know of a good movie quotation that means "yes"?
I think this weekend is going to be dedicated to working on invitations, whether that's more design work on the invitations themselves, or finally getting myself out to Michael's to buy the card stock so I can start making pocketfolds!
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