Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hitting a wall

I've been excited all week to get started on making my pocketfold invitations.

Today we woke up bright and early to head out to Michael's to buy the paper I needed. I figured I needed 30 sheets of artists paper.

They had 1 in the color I needed. 1 measly sheet.

No big problem, right? Just go find a sales associate and ask if they have more in the back/can order some from another store from me. Something that I know is within a store's ability to do thanks to having a mother who works for the company.

So after wandering around for awhile, I finally find someone to talk to. Wow, was she ever snotty. They can either order the paper for me as a special order, which would take 6-8 weeks to arrive. Or they can call the other stores for me and send me off to those places to pick up the paper.

Um, no. I can't go galavanting around New York looking for paper. I specifically chose this particular store because it's the most accessible via public transportation.

Even Billy, who's usually really laid back about poor service, told me as we left "Wow, she was mean."

So now we're back home and I feel like alternately banging my head against a wall and curling up in a ball and crying, even though this isn't a big thing at all. I still have plenty of time to find an online source of paper.

I just really wanted to work this week. As in I was hoping I'd be happily chopping up paper by now, not writing a whiny blog post.

Any words of encouragement?

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